Thank you for this beautiful essay! It made me think of the writing of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (z"l), who wrote that "every Jewish child is a miracle." Wishing you well in your Jewish life and your dating and marriage quest too!

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A beautiful essay! I hope she finds her beshert soon!

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“I had already seen, from dating an observant man along my conversion journey, how influential a romantic partner could be. There can be nothing more natural than that: falling in love with someone means falling in love with the way they see the world. “ Truer words have never been said.

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Hi Nellie! Laughing and learning while I read your posts. Thank you for sharing your journey, editing posts before they are published, and paying your writers :) Those PVC menorhas are impressive ... received high praise from my water-system-building, rancher husband! Keep it up. xo, Julie

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